Thanks For Another Great Season and For Supporting Local! We Have Planted and Are Eagerly Awaiting Harvest This Summer!

Our Story

Humble Beginnings

Our story began with five bushel baskets of garlic in a half an acre field in 2014. Today, with our partner growers, we annually provide over half a million pounds of high quality Canadian garlic. We are farm based, family owned businesses who take pride in providing the highest quality garlic for your family. We love what we do, and we hope you do too!  


What Does True North Garlic Mean To Us?

Canadian, pure, and quality are characteristics that come to mind. In fact, it was these words that formed the foundation of our business. Our rich, well drained and fertile fields create the perfect conditions to produce the highest quality garlic and garlic seed available.

Get To Know Us


Why True North Garlic? | Music To Our Ears

Music is a large, well-formed porcelain garlic with a classic, rich, musky flavour that is considered medium to hot. Music also has a high allicin content which is a powerful antioxidant. Popular with growers and consumers because it is hardy, easy to peel, fairly disease resistant, stores very well, and is very flavourful.